Thematic Areas
The United Institutions will support and enable the full range of constituencies and stakeholders within the international community, across sectors, policy areas and geographies, to engage in systemic, integrated and sustained cooperation and collective action.
The platform's main fields and thematic areas will include, but not be limited to:
Main Fields
Peace and Security
Human Rights
Humanitarian Assistance
Sustainable Development
International Law and Justice
The platform's main fields and thematic areas will include, but not be limited to:
Main Fields
Peace and Security
Human Rights
Humanitarian Assistance
Sustainable Development
International Law and Justice
Thematic Areas
Academic Impact
Advocacy Aid Effectiveness Aging Agriculture Anti-Corruption Arms Trade Reduction Artificial Intelligence Atomic Energy Biodiversity Business Capacity Building Children Civic Engagement Civic Space Civil Rights Civil Society Climate Change Collective Action Communications Connectivity Conflict Prevention Continuity Cooperation Coordination Consumption and Production Corporate Responsibility Counter Terrorism Countering Voilent Extremism Cross Sectoral Cooperation Crime Prevention and Justice Culture Data Debt Decision Making Deforestation Democracy Desertification Development Cooperation Development Financing Development Effectiveness Digital Cooperation Diversity Disarmament Disaster Relief Disaster Risk Reduction Dispute Settlement Economy Economic Development Ecosystem Restoration and Protection Education Electoral Assistance Empowerment Emergencies Energy Environment Equality Ethics Famine Relief Fighting Racism Financing for Development Financial Architecture Food Foresight Forests Fragile States Future Generations Gender Equality Genocide Prevention Global Development Global Governance Global Governance Architecture Global Partnership Global Partnership for Development Global Warming Governance Harmonization Health Human Rights Anti-Human Trafficking Humanitarian Assistance Hunger Inclusion and Participation Inclusive Societies Indigenous Peoples Industry Infrastructure Innovation Institutions Institutional Frameworks Integrated Approaches Interfaith Dialogue International Cooperation Intergenerational Dialogue |
Intergovernmental Organizations
Interinstitutional Relations Intersectoral Relations Intersectionality International Relations International Law and Justice Investment Justice Local and Regional Governments Land Degradation Land Management Land Rights Labor and Employment LGBTQI Rights Localization Major Groups Maternal Health and Child Survival Marginalized Communities Means of Implementation Migration Monitoring and Review Mountains Multistakeholder Cooperation Multistakeholder Partnerships Multilateral System Multilateralism Nation States National Development Plans Nature Networking Nexus Approaches Nongovernmental Organizations Non-Proliferation Nuclear Disarmament Nutrition Oceans and the Law of the Sea Outer Space Partnerships Peace and Security Peace Building Peace Keeping Philanthropy Planning Policy Dialogue Policy Coherence Pollution Population Poverty Private Sector Engagement Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflicts Protection of Human Rights Defenders Protection of Journalists Public Engagement Reconciliation Refugees Regional Organizations Renewable Energy Rights of People with Disabilities Sanitation Science Science Policy Interface Slavery Social Development Social Enterprises Social Justice Social Mobilization Soil Erosion Solidarity South South Cooperation Sports for Development Stakeholder Relations Stakeholder Engagement Strategic Relations Sustainable Development Systems Change Synergies Technology Tolerance Trade Transportation Treaties and Resolutions Trust Anti-Trafficking Transparency and Accountability United Nations System United Nations Affairs Campaign Against Violence Against Women Volunteering Water Whole of Society Approach Wildlife Women Workers and Trade Unions Youth |