Institutional Development
The United Institutions (UI) is a next-generation global institution, integrator platform and world forum for international cooperation being established to serve and support the international community, and stakeholders across the world, in addressing global challenges, realizing global development goals, and building a better world for present and future generations.
It is being established to institute and provide new functions and capabilities at the global level, and to serve as a complement to existing governance arrangements, mechanisms and institutions including, inter alia, the United Nations, intergovernmental organizations, and multi-stakeholder partnerships, recognizing and supporting their individual mandates, roles, functions and comparative advantages,
The institutional development of the United Institutions is guided by and aligned with established global frameworks and international instruments including, inter alia, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Agreement on climate change, the Sendai framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Agenda for Humanity, United Nations resolutions on the UN peacebuilding architecture and sustainable peace, and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development.
The institutional development process is designed to be inclusive of stakeholder constituencies across all sectors, policy areas and geographies, and is based on extensive research, development, analysis and consultations with international organizations, non-governmental organizations, international coalitions, the United Nations, local government institutions, and civic organizations, as well as endorsements from heads of organizations within the international community.
The new world body will be established as an international organization and will be governed, managed and operated by its member institutions via a democratic, accountable and transparent charter,
It is being established to institute and provide new functions and capabilities at the global level, and to serve as a complement to existing governance arrangements, mechanisms and institutions including, inter alia, the United Nations, intergovernmental organizations, and multi-stakeholder partnerships, recognizing and supporting their individual mandates, roles, functions and comparative advantages,
The institutional development of the United Institutions is guided by and aligned with established global frameworks and international instruments including, inter alia, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Agreement on climate change, the Sendai framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Agenda for Humanity, United Nations resolutions on the UN peacebuilding architecture and sustainable peace, and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development.
The institutional development process is designed to be inclusive of stakeholder constituencies across all sectors, policy areas and geographies, and is based on extensive research, development, analysis and consultations with international organizations, non-governmental organizations, international coalitions, the United Nations, local government institutions, and civic organizations, as well as endorsements from heads of organizations within the international community.
The new world body will be established as an international organization and will be governed, managed and operated by its member institutions via a democratic, accountable and transparent charter,
Development Team
The United Institutions is a not-for-profit development led by the United Institutions Foundation (UIF), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established for the purpose of administrating and coordinating the UI institutional development process, with Jones Lang LaSalle, a global investment management firm, supporting UIF in its work on the development of the UI physical infrastructure..
Conceptual and Preparatory Development
From its inception the platform was aimed at providing institutions in the international community across the public, private and civil sectors, with a much needed enabling environment, framework, infrastructure and forum for international cooperation on peace, development, human rights and humanitarian assistance, at the global level, similar to the services provided to nation states at the United Nations. It was developed with a view to enhance integration across policy areas, institutionalize cross-sectoral cooperation, strengthen interinstitutional relations, remove barriers to cooperation and collective action, build trust and solidarity among stakeholders, and provide strategic and programmatic services.
The initial concept design stages were followed by an extensive preparatory development phase which included over ten years of research, development and consultations, including inter alia, strategic planning; program development; financial planning; project development; functional requirements; strategic and institutional framework development; platform and infrastructure development, component design; public affairs; stakeholder consultations; partnership development; business incentives development; operations planning; real estate development; location selection; economic development and local government consultations.
The initial concept design stages were followed by an extensive preparatory development phase which included over ten years of research, development and consultations, including inter alia, strategic planning; program development; financial planning; project development; functional requirements; strategic and institutional framework development; platform and infrastructure development, component design; public affairs; stakeholder consultations; partnership development; business incentives development; operations planning; real estate development; location selection; economic development and local government consultations.
The draft United Institutions Global Strategic Framework was completed in 2017. The framework establishes the mission, mandate, comparative advantage, strategic goals, functions and services of the United Institutions; its thematic coverage; operational area and constituents; as well as its institutional framework and composition. The framework sets out the rationale, requirements and key considerations for the new institution, defines the strategic role it will fulfill within the international architecture and identifies its functional relationship with existing institutions, mechanisms and decision making processes at international, regional and national levels.
Institutional Formation and Operationalization
The institutional formation of the United Institutions will be established through a joint United Institutions Development Partnership comprised of a steering committee and stakeholder delegations representing the various constituencies.
The process has been designed to give the stakeholder constituencies the mandate and responsibility to negotiate and adopt agreements on the United Institutions' charter, infrastructure, institutional framework, functions and services, in a systemic, inclusive. transparent and accountable manner.
In preparation for the institutional formation phase a global stakeholder consultation as well as a series of constituency dialogues will also be held to solicit views, priorities and proposals.
The institutional operationalization phase will encompass the implementation and operationalization of the United Institutions' governance, administration, finance, program and infrastructures functions, including its operations framework, program platform and membership program, as well its physical infrastructure and secretariat.
The process has been designed to give the stakeholder constituencies the mandate and responsibility to negotiate and adopt agreements on the United Institutions' charter, infrastructure, institutional framework, functions and services, in a systemic, inclusive. transparent and accountable manner.
In preparation for the institutional formation phase a global stakeholder consultation as well as a series of constituency dialogues will also be held to solicit views, priorities and proposals.
The institutional operationalization phase will encompass the implementation and operationalization of the United Institutions' governance, administration, finance, program and infrastructures functions, including its operations framework, program platform and membership program, as well its physical infrastructure and secretariat.
Global Ownership
The United Institutions is being established to serve as a universal platform and joint resource for stakeholder constituencies and institutions system-wide, from the global, regional, national and local levels. The ownership of the platform's activities and functions will belong to the international community as a whole.